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Birth Injury | Denver Trial Attorney Blog | Leventhal Puga Braley P.C. - Part 2

What Is Erb’s Palsy and How Can It Affect Your Newborn?

By lladmin on March 29, 2020

Giving birth is both a wonderful and frightening event. On the one hand, you’re about to bring your child into the world; on the other, you’re in extreme pain and there are hundreds of things that can go wrong. One of those potential complications is Erb’s Palsy. Read the rest »

Posted in: Birth Injury

The Unacceptable Cost of Poor Maternal Care in the U.S.

By lladmin on February 13, 2019

Think the United States is the leader in providing healthcare and state-of-the-art treatment to patients—especially for new babies and mothers? Think again. The U.S. actually has the highest maternal mortality rate of all first-world countries. An estimated 700-900 women died in 2016 due to pregnancy-related causes. Additionally, maternal deaths in the United States increased between 2000 and 2014, and 60% of these maternal deaths were considered preventable. Read the rest »

Posted in: Birth Injury

“Pit to Distress” – Medical Malpractice in Its Purest Form

By lladmin on November 14, 2018

If you are an expecting parent or ever plan to be, you should know the term “pit to distress.” This is an oblique order doctors give to increase the levels of a synthetic hormone, Pitocin, to a mother during childbirth in order to speed up the labor and delivery process.

At best, doctors do this because they believe it to be standard procedure that speeds up a painful childbirth.

At worst, doctors crank up the Pitocin so they can go home early and turn over the patient’s bed more quickly, creating more profit. Never mind the fact that babies and mothers can be seriously hurt by the practice.   Read the rest »

Posted in: Birth Injury

If My Child Has Cerebral Palsy, Will There Be Other Conditions?

By lladmin on October 25, 2018

Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in 345 children have cerebral palsy. But cerebral palsy is rarely all that a family will have to deal with after a diagnosis. When a child has another medical condition in addition to cerebral palsy, it is called a “co-occurring,” “associated,” or “coexisting” condition. Read the rest »

Posted in: Birth Injury

When Childbirth Goes Wrong, Can You Sue?

By lladmin on March 31, 2018

Being born is traumatic. There is no argument about that. As a human child is pushed through and out of the birth canal, he or she will be forced to use lungs for the first time, feel cold for the first time, see bright lights burning the eyes, be startled by loud noises, and perhaps even feel pain during his or her arrival into the world.

However, some trauma that babies endure during birth is not part of nature’s process. Read the rest »

Posted in: Birth Injury