Home Birth Injury Caput Succedaneum

Denver Caput Succedaneum Attorneys

Representing Infants and Parents Injured by Medical Negligence

During a difficult head-first child delivery, the infant may develop a bruise and swelling on the top of his or her head. Referred to as a caput succedaneum or caput, this condition occurs because blood has pooled in between the newborn’s skin and scalp. While this condition is common and may resolve without medical treatment, it can develop into jaundice and kernicterus, which can cause brain damage. Doctors should be prepared to diagnose and treat any complications that arise from caput succedaneum to prevent further injuries to the newborn.

If your child suffered a serious injury due to medical malpractice while treating a caput succedaneum, you should not hesitate to contact our team of birth injury lawyers at Leventhal & Puga, P.C. Our Colorado caput succedaneum lawyers have extensive experience representing clients in birth injury cases throughout the United States and can advocate for full compensation on your behalf. To discuss your case in a free consultation, call us at (303) 759-9945 or toll-free at (877) 433-3906.

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How Caput Succedaneums Develop

Caputs can develop from too much pressure being placed on the newborn’s head during a vaginal delivery. This pressure can cause bruising and fluids to build up along the newborn’s scalp, leading to abnormal swelling. This condition is common during difficult deliveries where a child’s head is pressed against the birth canal and the mother’s pelvic bone, but it can also occur due to a physician’s hands, forceps, or vacuum extraction. A caput can also occur during a C-section if a physician places unnecessary pressure on a child’s head while removing them from the womb.

A caput will appear as a discolored, swollen, or puffy spot on the newborn’s scalp and may look similar to a cephalohematoma. In both cases, doctors should monitor a newborn’s condition to determine if further complications will develop. Caput succedaneums can resolve themselves on their own roughly two to six weeks after birth, and attempting to remove the fluid can cause a child to develop an infection. However, if a doctor ignores the condition, a caput can expand into a more serious injury.

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Complications From Misdiagnoses and a Failure to Treat

A caput succedaneum can cause a medical condition known as jaundice. Jaundice appears as a yellowish tint on the child’s skin and occurs when a newborn has too much bilirubin in their blood. Bilirubin naturally develops in the body as blood cells break down. Like a caput, jaundice can resolve itself on its own as a newborn’s liver begins to process the excess bilirubin.

However, excess bilirubin can cause serious birth injuries as it is toxic in large quantities and result in the newborn developing kernicterus. Failing to diagnose and treat jaundice in a timely manner can cause a newborn to suffer from:

A caput is also an indication that a newborn has gone through a difficult birth and may have suffered additional trauma. Doctors should oversee thorough physical assessments after finding a caput to determine if the child has any other injuries, such as birth fractures or oxygen deprivation. Unfortunately, doctors often treat caputs as conditions that occur commonly or naturally and fail to properly review the newborn’s condition for more serious issues. This complacency is never acceptable, and doctors should always follow proper procedures when assessing a newborn’s health.

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Holding Doctors Accountable for Negligence in Denver

The consequences of a kernicterus can be irreversible, causing serious disabilities. If a doctor failed to diagnose a caput or jaundice as serious or failed to treat kernicterus and your newborn suffered a brain injury, then you may be able to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the doctor for negligence.

In order to recover compensation in a medical malpractice claim, your family needs to work with an experienced Denver birth injury attorney who can collect evidence of negligence and advocate for your child’s best interests. At Leventhal & Puga, P.C., our trial attorneys have represented hundreds of families in birth injury claims and can use our extensive experience in medical malpractice cases to determine if your child was injured due to medical negligence. We give every case the time and attention it deserves so that our clients get the best representation possible. Call us at (303) 759-9945 or toll-free at (877) 433-3906 to discuss your case in a free consultation.

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